
It started twelve years ago, all the way back in 2008. I had just ended my studies at a tertiary institution and somehow I decided to start a blog at weebly, then it became a hobby, little by little and before you know it, I tried Blogger/Blogspot and finally,

it was awesome and I was experimenting. I started with short paragraphs for each posts and before long I started posting about everything, from Family Guy, to Smallville. Then I eventually started working at two media companies and now I am a self hosted blogging machine. I gained 480,000 hits over the course of four years. It climbed and climbed and I started getting 1,000 hits a day and then 500 per day.

It was a success and I got bored. I did all I could so I kept it up for a while and started several new blogs with different kinds of content and here I am tonight, a blogger blogging about sex, sexuality, God and entertainment on another. Enjoy the experience.