The 411 (About)

I’m a loser, yes, I said it, I’m a loser. Well, sometimes feel like one. But I am going through a rough time in my life and for my mistakes, I’m paying for them and will do so for the rest of my life. I created this blog because I have things to get off my mind and it’s best I vent here. This blog is about sex, sexuality and God. I am straight, yet liberal and I’ve been a liberal all my life.

My parents were conservative but accommodating and loving. They let my sister and me go without curfews. Hey, we turned out we made it through life educated and well, except for the fact that there are rumours about me for the past twenty three years. I’m dealing with them but each day it gets more challenging. I want to grow in God again. It hasn’t been a cakewalk as God and I have our differences.

Lord, I cry out to you to save me. Let me feel something again. Please forgive me Father. I am sorry. I am nothing yes, but they (humans and the Bible) say you hear our thoughts even before we think them and at all times. I want to believe again. Please, help this broken heart. I love you.